Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Getting Started

So I just felt like making this because someone said I should so I did/ am currently doing so. For this first post I will explain how I view myself, what I like to do, and how I presume others view me. First of all I feel like I am a sort of O.K. fun to be around person. I tell many jokes varying from "Dead Baby Jokes" all the way to key moments of saying "Thats What She Said," but then again, who doesn't? I also tend to say many racial jokes but I do not believe myself to be a racist, more of a stereo-typist because I laugh at hilarious stereotypes that are in society whenever I see them. Also, I kind of tend to be an asshole through my joke making. I don't try to be, it just happens. But whatever, I'm not going to deny my asshole-dom, I accept it fully.

Now as for what I like to do, I like playing Call of Duty on PS3 (XBOX is for losers), I like playing guitar, mostly Metallica and other classic rock but I'm best at Metallica, and I like to create ideas or logical statements. Don't know exactly what I just said right there but I sometimes do. I started playing guitar May of 2009 or possibly April. My cousin taught me a bit but then decided to get into some drugs and then stopped so I stopped taking lessons from him and taught myself using tabs. The song I play best is Master of Puppets its also one of my most favorite songs. Don't know the guitar solo yet, gonna take a while for me to learn it too. As for Call of Duty, I think I'm pretty bad ass at it, I mean, I have my moments. Its really fun. Call of Duty is my drug. If at any point when most people would resort to drugs, Call of Duty and Metallica are there to make it better. Proud to say I'm going to be the only person in my family (not counting cousins etc.) to make it through high school completely 100% sober. Its my goal in life to never drink or smoke, but I won't smoke thats what my Asthma is for.

Continuing stuff about myself in this paragraph, I am currently faced with the decision of going to a school in Missouri where its free to work ( is the school website, go ahead and research it) or doing what I want to do which is either don't go to college and save money, or join the Marine Reserves or actual Marine Corps. My mother is entirely against my choice of the Marines but I want to and its voluntary so I can sign myself up for it. To close this paragraph up, I will be 17 7/12 tomorrow in case you were wondering my age. :)

I presume people to think of me as an asshole/ sometimes loser cause I don't go out much to parties or what-have-you, but it doesn't really bother me too much because I've gotten used to it. Don't know how to elaborate any further because I never really wanted to make this in the first place but oh well.

This about closes up my first entry. Congratulations to me. If I continue to do this, expect some more awesome stories about me, Gilky the Self Proclaimed God.

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